Three school districts, in partnership with 2C Kids Succeed, received a portion of a $750,000 grant
For Immediate Release
BOISE, Idaho (September 14, 2021) —The Caldwell, Nampa, and Notus School Districts, in partnership with 2C Kids Succeed, have received a portion of a $750,000 grant from the Idaho Department of Health and Welfare Idaho Community Grant Program. The 2C Kids Succeed initiative comprises business leaders, educators, municipal leaders, legislators, nonprofits, and anyone interested in building a healthy and resilient community for children. The three school districts will use their portion of the grant to support early learning for children in preschool through age 12.
“Research has shown a strong correlation between preschool and early literacy outcomes,” noted Ben Kincheloe, principal of Nampa School District’s Early Childhood Center. “This grant will allow us to provide these services in our community and reach out to families beyond the classroom doors as well, thus better-preparing kids for success in school and in life.”
Schools will focus on engaging local communities with a family-focused approach to build and expand programs that support student learning, family engagement, and staff development, all while connecting existing resources and opportunities within schools.
“Helping parents and families build strong systems of support for robust early childhood learning experiences is a crucial step in children’s success throughout life,” said Tamara Lawson, Federal Programs Director for the Caldwell School District. “
The event was attended by school leaders, representatives from 2C Kids Succeed and WICAP, Rep Julie Yamamoto, and Nampa Mayor Debbie Kling.